Hier habe nochmal in die Literatur geschaut und bin mir sicher, dass das oben gezeigte
Gastrochilus kein
acaulis darstellt.
Ich habe mal ein paar Zeichnungen rausgesucht zu
Gastrochilus acaulis:
Icones Plantarum Indiae Orientalis 1852 V. 5 S. 1671
Rev. Handb. F. Ceylon 2, 243, 1981
J. Econ. Tax. Bot. Vol. II No. I (1987)
Hier noch die Beschreibung:
Epiphytes; stem very short; pseudobulbs
O. Leaves 2-5(-6), each 4.5-6 x 1.3-2 cm,
flat or lorate, linear-oblong, sub-faleate,
unequally 2-notched at a pex, sheathing at
base. Flowers 3-8 in short racemes: peduncle
stout; bracts c. 3 x 3 mm, . broadly ovate,
hood-like, fleshy, hyaline-margined, 1-nerved.
Dorsal sepal c. 6 x 3 mm. obovate or spathulate,
obtuse, incurved. 3-nerved: lateral sepals
c. 6 x 3 mm, obliquely obovate, spathulate,
obtuse, incurved, 3-nerve d. Petals c. 5.5 x
2.5 mm, obovate-spathulate, incurved, rounded
at apex, 3-nerved. Lip 3 lobed, saccate;
sac conical, round ed, with a peg-like projection
at the bottom ; lateral lobes small, erect;
midlobe 3-4 x 5 mm, triangular, acute, margin
fimbriate. Column c. 2 x 2 mm ovate, emarginate,
bifid at apex ; rostellum bifid, anthers
2-loculed; pollinia 2, c. 1 v 1 mm, globose
with a depression, attached by c. 2 mm long
st rap to a large, 2-toothed gland. Ovary with
pedicel 8-9 mm long.
Das geht auch kürzer:
Sepals and petals greenish-white. Midlobe of lip white with raised
central, yellow portion. Sac of spur without keel, tinged with yellow.
Zeichnungen und Beschreibungen zu
Gastrochilus patinatus liefere ich noch nach.